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Messrs J. Reid
Personal Loans in Dumbarton
Require a personal loan from Messrs J. Reid? Use our quick form to contact us. Remember to use our loan calculator to give you an idea regarding weekly payments.
Loans over 26 weeks up to £1000.
Loans over 44 weeks up to £1000.
Loans over 52 weeks up to £1000.
View our loan calculator to view interest payments. Click here
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about Messrs J. Reid
All home credit customers are entitiled to a free details statement once every three months, just ask for this statement.
Messrs John Reid is a product of four generations of a family business began by the aforementioned John Reid in the nineteen fifties. It began in Dumbarton as a firm selling soft goods and furniture with door to door weekly collections establishing the firm and setting up many long-standing and warm relationships with local families.
The firm has now developed into short term loans and are represented by the great grandsons in the fourth generation and regulated by the F.C.A.